Embedding the Survey on a Website

In the 'PUBLISH' - 'Overview' tab, you can access the code to embed the survey in the website, where it becomes an integrated part of the page and does not need to be accessed from a separate address. It can be generated with or without JavaScript.

There are two ways to embed a survey on a web page:

  • With normal embedding, where the survey is an integrated part of the page;
  • By displaying the survey in a pop-up window within the same browser window. In this case, due to modern security standards, it is not possible to directly copy the code to display it as a pop-up window on your website, but it has to be programmed manually. You can do this yourself or contact us for help, but the service comes at a fee. You can order the service via the form >>

Copy this code on your website and, if necessary, set the height of the window (parameter 'height=') in which the survey will be displayed.

For the best possible appearance of the embedded survey, it is recommended not to use the survey progress indicator (it is turned off by default). In case you have enabled it, you can turn it off in the 'EDIT' - Design' tab. To do this, click on 'Customize' on the selected theme and then set 'Show bar/progress indicator:' to 'No'.

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1KA is free to use for basic users