1KA Mobile Application

The 1KA mobile app is no longer supported and can no longer be downloaded from the Google Play Store. If you already have the app downloaded on your device, you can continue to use it as it is.

Mobile application is not intended for respondents to answer on a mobile device but is intended for editors or authors (registered users of 1KA) in the making of online surveys. The application is particularly suitable for:

  1. quick and easy overview of the state of the surveys (e.g. status of answers)
  2. in exceptional situations for carrying out short surveys (e.g. quick evaluation of the event or voting).

Mobile 1KA supports the whole process of creation, publishing and analysis of web questionnaires, forms and voting in the compact form:

  • Three questions types are available at the moment: categories – single answer, categories – multiple answers and text;
  • When creating voting, pre-set template for simple creation and conduction of voting is available;
  • Created questionnaires can easily be shared using installed applications or through the social network Facebook;
  • Insight into results is also possible. Results are displayed in the form of graphs and a summary of statistics.

Using this application users can also access all surveys of their account, also those created in the application:

  • Insight into response statuses is possible in every survey;
  • All web surveys can easily be shared using installed applications or through the social network Facebook;
  • It is possible to activate and deactivate all surveys;
  • Public links to data and analyses can also be created.

Technical aspects and requirements

The application runs on operation system Android that has to be at least of version 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Stable internet connection is required for the use of the mobile application because the user account is connected to the web application www.1ka.si.

1KA is free to use for basic users