Guidelines for creating introduction

Firstly, the respondent must be motivated to click on the survey URL by introduction, banner on websites or email. When the respondent clicks on the survey URL they must then be motivated to fill out the survey. This is done by creating a good introduction to a survey. Using the title of the survey and short introduction we present the survey background and framework and at the same time prepare the respondents for answering a survey. We must be careful that the introduction is really good and will be able to convince respondents into filling out this survey.

The introduction must be short and must at the same time include the following information:

  • Purpose of the research: the purpose of the introduction is to understandably present the purpose of the research to respondents.
  • Specify the content of the questionnaire: it is necessary to describe what is the theme of the questionnaire.
  • Why are the respondent’s responses important: if you convince respondents that their answers matter to this research, they will be more motivated.
  • How results will be used and what influence will they have: inform respondents for what purposes will the results be used – for study, research – and define the purpose of the data.
  • Data privacy: it is important to mention data privacy in the introduction. It is important to state that data will not be connected to identifiers or personal data. You can also mention how respondents’ contacts were acquired.
  • Survey length: the introduction should end by providing information about survey length or by writing the number of questions in the survey.
  • Responsible person information: respondent must know how to turn in case of questions or any problems. Sometimes the signature of a respectable person can motivate respondents to fill out the survey.

Some emphasis should also be put on the language because respondents must know what we want from them. If the intention is to reward respondents for cooperation it is good to mention this in the introduction and also mention how that reward can be collected. If the data will be published, you have to alert respondents of this fact. You should also state when and where the data will be published.

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