Background: Due to increasing problems with the hosting of the commercial 1KA service, the Centre for Social Informatics (CDI), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, will discontinue commercial hosting and user support activities for the 1KA e-shop on the domain.
Before that, CDI would like to ensure the establishment of a 1KA e-shop by commercial providers, where all interested users who are currently still hosted on the domain - under the same or similar conditions as at present - would be able to continue using the 1KA service seamlessly. 1KA is an open source application developed by CDI, and the University of Ljubljana is the formal owner of the source code.1KA is freely installable and unrestrictedly usable under the terms of the GPL open source licence, which means, among other things, that any new development of the code must be made publicly available.

Invitation: the CDI invites interested companies to offer commercial hosting and user support for the 1KA application. Providers must meet the following conditions:

  1. register a suitable domain for the 1KA service,
  2. install the 1KA application on your own server,
  3. set up its own registration and login system,
  4. ensure the quality of the 1KA service,
  5. provide user support,
  6. present a sustainable business model.

For all providers that meet the above conditions, CDI will publish a corresponding link on where the company will provide commercial hosting. Similarly, a link has already been published for users in the education and research sectors, who can use 1KA with Arnes registration on the domain free of charge and without restriction.

After the establishment of the external commercial hosting and user support offer for the 1KA service, CDI will offer all existing 1KA e-commerce users on the domain to switch to the selected commercial providers. Existing users of will first have to register on the website of the corresponding commercial provider and, after registration, will be able to transfer all their 1KA surveys to the commercial provider - by means of automatic copying of 1KA files between the different 1KA installations. The transfer from to the commercial provider will be the same as the transfer from to

The 1KA application will therefore no longer be installed on in the future. There will only be information on the status and development of the 1KA open source application and links to all websites that host the 1KA service for external users.

Submitting your offer: please send your offer to, where you will also find further information.

1KA is free to use for basic users