Additional Settings for the Introduction and Conclusion

In the 'EDIT' - 'Questionnaire' tab, you will find the 'Introduction' and 'Thank you' (conclusion) questions preset as a special introduction question type with generic text that you can edit and change.

The 'Introduction' can easily be hidden by clicking on the eye icon, or by clicking on the pencil icon to open the editor with additional settings:

Example of a survey with hidden introduction >>

The 'Thank you' page can also be hidden by clicking on the eye icon, or by clicking on the pencil icon to open the editor with additional settings:

  • Basic:
    • add an internal note;
    • show thank you page;
    • display the link for later editing More >>
    • show a link through which the respondent can export the questionnaire with his answers in PDF;
    • edit survey deactivation note More >>
  • Advanced:
    • display and edit the text of  'Previous Page' and 'End' buttons;
    • specify what happens at the end of the survey.

Example of a survey with hidden conclusion >>

As mentioned above, under the 'Close survey instead of link' option you can specify what happens when a respondent clicks on the 'End' button:

  • 'Close survey': the browser window will redirect to the 1KA website after survey completion - it is already preset Example of a survey >>
  • 'Recursive': once the respondent finishes the survey, the same survey will reopen again for answering or input Example of a survey >>
  • 'Jump to link': a window opens where you can enter the URL of the website you wish to redirect the respondent to after the survey Example of a survey >>

Additional options of 'Jump to Link':

Different parameters can be inserted into the URL address to which the respondents are redirected. Possible parameters are listed below:

  • Respondent's ID;
  • Respondent's status;
  • Respondent's recnum;
  • Value of any question in the survey: in this case, the question must be systemic so that a parameter can be added into the URL address as 'data piping' (eg.


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