Extraversion test

Extraversion test is adapted based on Extraversion on PersonalityTest.net.

The Extraversion test tests your habits and responses when interacting with people on a daily basis. Extroverted people are more sociable and active, and introverted people are more cautious and prefer to stick with themselves.


Many highly rated professions do to the country more ...


Which of the following would you rather be?


Which of the following interests you more?


Which of the following describes you better?


When confronted with a sudden question you ...


Would you say that you ...


Where would you prefer to spend most of your time if you were on holiday?


Would it be easy for you to live the life of a hermit?


You prefer your husband or wife to be ...


If you had to organize a party ...


In your opinion are most people worthy of real trust?


You would prefer to work as ...


Would you say that you ...


Would you rather be a ...


Do you usually have a good time at large noisy gatherings?


In a theatrical play you would be more content working ...


Would it be difficult for you to make a public speech?


When participating in general discussions you are ...


You tend to ...


Do you make friends quickly in new situations?



  • Very extraverted: 0 to 2 points
  • Extraverted: 3 to 8 points
  • Average: 9 to 11 points
  • Introverted: 12 to 17 points
  • Very introverted: 18 to 20 points


Your score is points.


You are an extrovert. You enjoy the company of people. You are impulsive, which may sometimes make others view you as rude. Extroverted people have an advantage in professions that require sales, marketing or bargaining.



  • Very extraverted: 0 to 2 points
  • Extraverted: 3 to 8 points
  • Average: 9 to 11 points
  • Introverted: 12 to 17 points
  • Very introverted: 18 to 20 points


Your score is points.


You are neither extraverted nor introverted.



  • Very extraverted: 0 to 2 points
  • Extraverted: 3 to 8 points
  • Average: 9 to 11 points
  • Introverted: 12 to 17 points
  • Very introverted: 18 to 20 points


Your score is points.


You are an introvert. You are quiet and reserved. In situations where there are many people, you feel uneasy and reluctant to express your opinion. You do not need any help at work and it is the easiest for you to work alone.

You answered all the questions in this survey. Thank you for your participation.

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