Contact Form - Stran 1

This is an example of a contact form. Here are three important hints:

  1. For the window of the form to be closed after the user has completed the form, you need to set the URL where the user will be redirected after the completion. You can set the URL in the Settings of the 'Thank you' section of the questionnaire.
  2. If we want to be informed about the form completion, you need to set appropriate recipients in the 'EDIT' - 'Settings' tab under 'Notification'. 
  3. In the e-mail box, you need to check the 'System variable' option in the 'Advanced' tab. This enables the transfer of the replies via e-mail.


Consent to collect personal data in the survey

Survey is collecting personal data (GDPR):

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone

As we will collect above listed personal information along with your answers, we kindly ask you to agree to the collection of your personal information before completing the survey. The conciliation of survey and personal data is voluntary and a condition for participation in the survey. If you do not provide the information, you cannot continue to complete the survey. Details about collecting, storing and processing your information in this survey can be found here. Privacy policy and general terms are available on this link.

Please indicate whether you agree with collecting your personal information:

You did not accept the conditions required to participate in the survey, so you cannot complete the survey. Thank you for your time!

Your data:


Your e-mail address:



Your message to the page administrator:

You have finished the survey. Thank you.

You are currently in survey preview mode! Answers will not be saved!

Enable saving data and comments

Preview - data is not collected.