Internet Addiction Test

Internet Addiction Test is adapted from Factor structure for Young’s Internet Addiction Test

Chang, M. K. & Man Law, S. P. 2008. Factor structure for Young’s Internet Addiction Test: A confirmatory study. Computers in Human Behavior 24: 2597-2619.

Young, Kimberly. 1998. Caught in the Net. New York: John Wiley & Sons.


Here are some statements which relate to your internet habits.


How often ...

Rarely Sometimes Regularly Often Always
... do you stay online longer than you intended?
... do you neglect household chores so you can spend more time online?
... do you prioritize the internet over a partnership?
... do you make new acquaintances among online users?
... do your loved ones complain about the amount of time you spend online?
... does your academic success suffer because of the amount of time you spend online?
... do you check your email first, and then do the obligations?
... does your work success suffer because of the internet?
... do you avoid answering if you are asked what are you doing online?
... do you forget about the stressful things of an offline life by thinking about the internet?

How often ...

Rarely Sometimes Regularly Often Always
... you cannot wait to use the web again?
... do you worry that living without the internet would be boring, empty, dreary?
... are you gruff with someone who distracts you while online?
... do you lack sleep because you cannot close your browser at night?
... do you daydream about using the internet in offline life?
... do you say "that's the last one" when using the web?
... do you try to spend less time online unsuccessfully?
... do you try to hide how long you've been online?
... do you prefer to spend time online than outside with your friends?
... are you moody, whimsical or nervous in your offline life until you return to the online world?

You answered all the questions.



Please click the Next page button to view the results.


Your score is points.



  • 20 to 49 points

You are an average web user. Sometimes you stay on the internet for too long, but you know your limits.​

  • 50 to 79 points

You have occasional problems with frequent internet use. You should consider the impact of the web on your life.

  • 80 to 100 points

Excessive Internet use is causing you serious problems in life. Face the problems this excessive use is causing.


Your score is​ points.



  • 20 to 49 points

You are an average web user. Sometimes you stay on the internet for too long, but you know your limits.​

  • 50 to 79 points

You have occasional problems with frequent internet use. You should consider the impact of the web on your life.​

  • 80 to 100 points

Excessive Internet use is causing you serious problems in life. Face the problems this excessive use is causing.

Your score is points.



  • 20 to 49 points

You are an average web user. Sometimes you stay on the internet for too long, but you know your limits.​

  • 50 to 79 points

You have occasional problems with frequent internet use. You should consider the impact of the web on your life.​

  • 80 to 100 points

Excessive Internet use is causing you serious problems in life. Face the problems this excessive use is causing.​


You answered all the questions in this survey. Thank you for your participation.

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