Example - trap questions - Stran 1

Use question with trap - insert a question with a trap in the questionnaire. The trap questions includes an instruction to choose a specific answer. 

Source: Decieux, J. P. P., Mergener, A., Neufang, K. & Sischka, P. (2015). Higher response rates at the expense of validity? Consequences of the implementation of the ‘forced response‘ option within online surveys. Presented at General Online Research 2015, Germany. 

We want to test your attention, so please click on the answer 'Agree'.

Please, choose the answer 'Strongly agree'

Please, choose the answer 'very true'.

Use question with trap - one of the statement in the table is an instruction to choose a specific answer. 

On a five-step scale of agreement (strongly disagree - strongly agree) rate the statements, listed below, which relate to your experience with 1KA web application. 

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I created a survey hassle-free.
When creating a survey, I knew how to get around.
Web application worked quickly and without jamming.
Unfinished design bothered me, when I was creating a survey.
Choose the answer 'Strongly disagree'.
I would recommend 1KA application to my friends/acquaintances.
I missed certain functionality when I was creating a survey.
I like the new website look.

Few examples of trap questions
Note: Usually, one trap question is included in the scope of other actual questions in the survey.

(Source: Meade, A. W., & Craig, S. B. (2011). Identifying careless responses in survey data. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psycholog y, Chicago, IL.)

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I am using a computer currently.
I have been to every country in the world.
I am enrolled in a Psychology course currently.
I have never spoken to anyone who was listening.
I sleep less than one hour per night.
I do not understand a word of English.
I have never brushed my teeth.
All my friends are aliens
All my friends say I would make a great poodle.

Use of pozitive and negative argument in a table - insert few other statements inbetween.  

On a five-step scale of agreement (strongly disagree - strongly agree) rate the statements, listed below, which relate to your experience with 1KA web application. 

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I created a survey hassle-free.
When creating a survey, I knew how to get around.
Web application worked quickly and without jamming.
Unfinished design bothered me, when I was creating a survey.
I would recommend 1KA application to my friends/acquaintances.
I missed certain functionality when I was creating a survey.
I crated a survey with some hassle
I like the new website look.

Use of pozitive and negative question - insert few other questions inbetween.

I created a survey hassle-free.

When creating a survey, I knew how to get around.

Web application worked quickly and without jamming.

Unfinished design bothered me, when I was creating a survey.

I would recommend 1KA application to my friends/acquaintances.

I missed certain functionality when I was creating a survey.

I like the new website look.

I crated a survey with some hassle.