
LIVE_FOR survey

In the Stockholm Programme adopted by the European Council of 10-11 December 2009, the European Council considered that the setting up of a comprehensive system for obtaining evidence in cases with a cross-border dimension, based on the principle of mutual recognition, should be further pursued. This new approach under DIRECTIVE 2014/41/EU is based on a single instrument called the European Investigation Order (EIO). An EIO is to be issued for the purpose of having one or several specific investigative measure(s) carried out in the State executing the EIO with a view to gathering evidence. This includes the obtaining of evidence that is already in the possession of the executing authority. The EIO should have a horizontal scope and therefore should apply to all investigative measures aimed at gathering evidence.  

In this questionnaire we aim to study the awareness about the Directive 2014/41/EU and the EIO, the practices on cross-border evidence collection, and educational and training needs in this field. We thank you in advance for your collaboration.  
